/ Cardboard Universe
Cardboard Universe is the creation of a whole new world. 20m3 of cardboard, 25 scissors, 1000 meters of tape, 2000 staples, 25 utility knives, 1000 meter of rope, unlimited love. Together with you we will build, make and create everything possible that one can dream of; out of cardboard. Over the period of 3.5 hours, an almost empty space will be transformed into a cardboard universe. Performers will enter the universe and provide alienations and performances.

Cardboard Universe was part of the programme of Museumnacht 010 2018 at UBIK WORM Rotterdam.

Concept & Production- Kolijn Jagersma
Performers- Jacco Weener, Ratri Notosudirdjo & Brian Groenhorstwill
Guides- Tiffany Wederfoort, Charlien Adriaenssens, Puipui Hurei, Isis van Geffen & Kolijn Jagersma
Photos- Selma Hengeveld